(4-6 month internship)

For local Ecuadorians who want to be trained and serve on weekends with other young people in a ministry setting


(4-6 month internship)

Ascenso is a weekend internship for Ecuadorian young adults that is comprised of 4 semesters over a 2 year period. After completing our facilitator training, each semester focuses on unique content, ranging from Wilderness First Aid, Rope Skills, Backpacking, Leading Debriefs and Reflexions, and Community Development. Throughout the semester students serve alongside our full-time staff as we host and facilitate various groups at El Refugio.
Start Planning


Facilitating is a large portion of the Ascenso intern’s experience in the semester regardless of the focus. The first two weekends of every semester starts with our facilitator training, allowing the interns to learn our philosophy of ministry and how to implement and lead experiential learning. They hone their skills by leading groups through our adventure programming activities and times of debriefing. In addition to facilitating, interns attend the various classes that we offer pertaining to the semester’s focus, as well as participating in other ministry opportunities as needed.

Gathering Spaces

Our Ascenso interns stay on property and have access to all of the spaces that El Refugio offers. When other groups aren’t present, they benefit from being able to use any of our comfortable spaces to visit, read, relax, and play games with other interns. Ascenso interns get familiar with all of our lodging and facilities in order to best serve our guests.


During the weekends that Asceno interns are serving, all of their meals are provided from Friday dinner to Sunday lunch.


Lodging during the programmed weekends is always provided, but the location changes based on the groups that are staying on property each particular weekend. At times, students have the chance to camp at our established campsites on property.


As students are exposed to new themes throughout the semester(s) of Ascenso and glean new skills, we desire that they would take those new insights back to their communities, churches, and ministries to continue to serve with new perspectives and passions. We help our interns to connect with God in different ways, encounter a deeper understanding of Jesus Christ, and learn what it means to be a disciple of Christ. Through this weekend internship, we equip interns to continue growing in their walk with Jesus, empower them to live the abundant life in Christ, and encourage them to pursue God’s calling for their lives.

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